Employee recruitment
Find and attract employees sustainably - thanks to employer branding
Attract & retain -
Sustainable employee recruitment
Marketing is the key to successful growth. Attract and retain valuable specialists with sustainable communication and a clear employer brand.
Do your newspaper ads only sporadically bring you new applications and the results of the headhunter also fall short? You are not alone in this. Many companies today are struggling with a lack of workers and specialists. Of course, the supply of new staff is decreasing, but there are still skilled workers out there who are just waiting for the right offer. Many sectors are affected by this change. The shortage of skilled workers is affecting the building trades, care professions, industrial companies and the technology sector (IT) in particular. Marketing Mittelrhein is your specialized partner for employer brands in the B2B corporate environment.

Gewinnen & Binden -
Nachhaltige Mitarbeitergewinnung
Marketing ist der Schlüssel für erfolgreiches Wachstum. Gewinnen und halten Sie wertvolle Fachkräfte mit nachhaltiger Kommunikation und einer klaren Arbeitgebermarke.
Die Zeitungsanzeige bringt Ihnen nur noch sporadisch neue Bewerbungen und die Ergebnisse des Headhunters lassen auch zu wünschen übrig? Damit sind Sie nicht alleine. Viele Unternehmen kämpfen heute mit dem Mangel an Arbeits- und Fachkräften. Natürlich wird der Nachschub an neuen Kräften weniger, aber dennoch gibt es da draußen Fachkräfte, die nur auf das richtige Angebot warten. Viele Branchen sind von diesem Wandel betroffen. Besonders stark betrifft der Fachkräftemangel vor allem das Handwerk, Pflegeberufe, Industriebetriebe und die Technik-Branche (IT). Marketing Mittelrhein ist Ihr spezialisierter Partner für Arbeitgebermarken im B2B Unternehmensumfeld.
Advantages of recruiting employees with Marketing Mittelrhein
Happy partners
Companies that are already successfully attracting skilled workers with Marketing Mittelrhein:

3 steps to a strong employer brand!
Honesty as the mother of good employer branding
Before we can talk about recruiting, we need to take an honest inventory. As a first step, we evaluate the working atmosphere, identify problems and help you to create a good working environment with good internal communication. In concrete terms, this means:
- Analysis of the communication situation (Do your employees feel involved? Do they enjoy working towards the company's goals?)
- Analysis of advantages (benefits, strengths compared to other employers)
- Determine job requirements (vacancies, target group for this position, possible points of contact with target group)

Ehrlichkeit als Mutter des guten Employer-Brandings
Bevor wir über Recruiting reden können, muss eine ehrliche Bestandsaufnahme erfolgen. In einem ersten Schritt evaluieren wir die Arbeitsatmosphäre, zeigen Probleme auf und helfen Ihnen dabei, eine gute Arbeitsumgebung mit einer guten internen Kommunikation aufzubauen. Das bedeutet konkret:
- Analyse der kommunikativen Situation (Fühlen sich Ihre Mitarbeiter mitgenommen? Arbeiten sie gerne an den Zielen des Unternehmens?)
- Analyse der Vorteile (Benefits, Stärken gegenüber anderen Arbeitgebern)
- Bedarf festhalten (offene Stellen, Zielgruppe für diese Stelle, mögliche Kontaktpunkte mit Zielgruppe)
Strengthen employer brand
Successful recruiting requires the right "match" between you and the applicants!
Now that we know what the current situation is, we need to make you as an employer a little more attractive. After all, people should realize that the promises in the job advertisement are true. This is why we present your company in the right communicative light, rely on existing employees as multipliers and use modern communication. Among other things, this can mean:
- Modern job platform with low application barriers,
- rethought application processes and recruiting procedures,
- further information on jobs to show that transparency is important to us,
- appealing image films for you as an employer brand,
- a transparent and honest appearance on social media.

Arbeitgebermarke stärken
Für erfolgreiches Recruiting braucht es das passende „Match“ zwischen Ihnen und den Bewerbern!
Nachdem wir die Ist-Situation kennen, sollten wir Sie als Arbeitgeber etwas aufbrezeln. Denn die Menschen sollen ja merken, dass die Versprechen der Stellenausschreibung auch wahr sind. Daher präsentieren wir Ihr Unternehmen kommunikativ im richtigen Licht, setzen auf vorhandene Mitarbeitende als Multiplikatoren und nutzen moderne Kommunikation. Das kann unter anderem bedeuten:
- Modernes Stellenportal mit geringen Bewerbungshürden,
- neu gedachte Bewerbungsprozesse und Recruiting-Abläufe,
- weiterführende Informationen zu Stellen, um zu zeigen, dass uns Transparenz wichtig ist,
- ansprechende Imagefilme für Sie als Arbeitgebermarke,
- ein transparentes und ehrliches Auftreten auf Social Media.
Addressing the (new) employees
Now it's time to show, not tell!
The course has been set, now it's time to find applicants for your vacancies. Here we use a diversified approach across several channels. Of course, this depends on the target group. Thanks to our strategy, we address potential applicants in the right place:
- via online advertisements,
- via local presence by means of posters or newspaper advertisements,
- via events and modern communication platforms such as social media,
- via recruiting channels.

Arbeitskräfte ansprechen
Jetzt heißt es, Show, not tell!
Die Weichen sind gestellt, nun geht es daran, Bewerber für Ihre offenen Stellen zu finden. Hier nutzen wir eine diversifizierte Ansprache über mehrere Kanäle. Abhängig ist das natürlich von der Zielgruppe. Dank unserer Strategie sprechen wir potenzielle Bewerber an der richtigen Stelle an:
- über Online-Werbeanzeigen,
- über lokale Präsenz mittels Plakaten oder Zeitungsinseraten,
- über Events und moderne Kommunikationsplattformen wie Social Media,
- über Recruiting-Kanäle.
How much does good employer marketing cost?

Those we can help
Industry is a heavyweight of the German economy. Many SMEs are hardly known to the "average consumer", but are important players in the supply chains for various products. In marketing for international industrial companies, we focus on a strong brand. In this way, we build trust with suppliers and customers and strengthen perception in our own industry. Thanks to our journalistic background, we familiarize ourselves with your processes and products in order to explain your value creation process to outsiders in an understandable way.
In addition to industrial companies, many companies in the manufacturing sector also rely on Marketing Mittelrhein. Good relationships with suppliers and partners are essential for a smooth production process. We therefore rely on approachable and down-to-earth communication on various channels. This makes you as a supplier more open, transparent and understandable for your target group. Thanks to a fixed contact person, we can respond quickly to spontaneous requests and support you in your day-to-day business.
Whether automotive supplier, technology development or car wash: the automotive industry offers many specialists for different fields. A broad range of experience provides you with a solid foundation for your marketing. Complex issues need to be explained clearly and procedures and processes need to be communicated clearly. We help you to clearly highlight your positioning in the supply chain and present yourself as a strong partner.
There is hardly any other industry that is as severely affected by the lack of skilled workers as the healthcare sector. Whether medical care centers, hospitals or service providers for the healthcare sector. Many projects have given our team a broad knowledge of the positioning of employers in the healthcare sector. Various experiences in the marketing of offers in the healthcare sector, such as e-health applications, will also help you to present yourself correctly on the market.
Companies need to protect themselves against risks. This is especially true in the area of fire protection, as few companies survive the loss caused by a fire. From fire department marketing to fire protection training, Marketing Mittelrhein has a broad knowledge base to help you market your fire protection products and services.
What our customers say

SSB Neuwied
We have been a customer since the beginning and are very satisfied! Great, friendly, serious and reliable team. The cooperation is very uncomplicated and the results are delivered promptly.

NHZM Mittelrhein
The creation of our new company website, including the application process, worked really well. Fast, uncomplicated and friendly. The price/performance ratio seems fair to me. I would recommend this company to others.

Stormguards GmbH
Marketing Mittelrhein is an excellent marketing agency! Their team is extremely competent and always delivers high-quality results. Working with Benedikt Wolter and his team is pleasant and professional. I can recommend them without reservation!
Get to know us!
Let's arrange a non-binding appointment to get to know each other. Beforehand, we will take a look at your company from the outside and talk about possible optimization points for your employer brand. Find out more about how we work and how we can help you with recruiting.